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Austin Triathletes
P.O. Box 50004
Austin, TX 78763
About Austin Triathletes
Austin Triathletes is a multisport club focused on sharing our passion of sports and fitness with others. We continuously attempt to offer new and innovative ways to promote our sport, and we hold seasonal functions so our members have an opportunity to enjoy and visit with one another apart from the training course. Club members are at all skill levels and we encourage everyone who is a triathlete, or is just trying to complete their first triathlon, to join. The club offers a wonderful opportunity to meet fellow enthusiasts and training partners. Austin Triathletes is also a source of training advice for any level of athlete.
The club meets the second Monday of each month to share newsworthy information and events with fellow triathletes. The meetings are not limited to the AT members. Anyone may attend, and we invite you to bring your family and friends.
Mission Statement
The Austin Triathletes is organized to:
- Promote and encourage physical fitness and participation in the sport of triathlon and other multi-sport events
- Sponsor multi-sport competitions
- Organize training sessions and social events
- Publish a newsletter and issue news releases
- Promote safe participation in both training and competition by example and educational activities
- Provide liability protection for the club and our members.
For more information about us, read our bylaws.
Board Members
President – Joey Trimyer
email: [email protected]
At Large – Don Young
email: [email protected]
Reporter – Cam Rayemail: [email protected]
Vice President – David Sing
email: [email protected]
Treasurer – Jay Weinshenker
email: [email protected]
Committees & Coordinators
Beginners/New to Tri: Katherine Dean
email: [email protected]
Sponsorship: Robbie Gulledge
email: [email protected]
Charity: Your Name Here
Club Merchandise: Your Name Here
Membership: Michelle Ryan
email: [email protected]
Newsletter: Susan Farago and Leary Walker
email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Publicity: Your Name Here
Website: Your Name Here
Recruiting: Your Name Here
Social/Special Events: Your Name Here
Training: Your Name Here
Volunteers: Your Name Here
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